The annual Celiac 5k Run/Walk is coming up!
1 in 133 Americans suffer from this autoimmune disorder (including yours truly).
But there are many more people who are unaware that they suffer from it because it is multi-symptomatic. To make matters worse, it is commonly misdiagnosed.
No, it is not an allergy. If you have celiac, you must be on a gluten-free diet. This means eliminating all forms of wheat, barley, or rye from your diet. This is no fad diet here. Quick Start to a GF Diet [pdf] And it ain't cheap either!
Currently there is no cure for celiac. The race is to support research for Celiac Disease.
A few of the locations for the run/walk:
Baltimore, MD
Buffalo, NY
Dallas, TX
Minneapolis, MI
Rochester, NY
Sarasota, FL
Syracuse, NY
Tri-county Michigan
Think you might have celiac? [pdf]
Hint: Keep eating a regular diet, but talk to your GI about getting tested ASAP.
1 in 133 Americans suffer from this autoimmune disorder (including yours truly).
But there are many more people who are unaware that they suffer from it because it is multi-symptomatic. To make matters worse, it is commonly misdiagnosed.
No, it is not an allergy. If you have celiac, you must be on a gluten-free diet. This means eliminating all forms of wheat, barley, or rye from your diet. This is no fad diet here. Quick Start to a GF Diet [pdf] And it ain't cheap either!
Currently there is no cure for celiac. The race is to support research for Celiac Disease.
A few of the locations for the run/walk:
Baltimore, MD
Buffalo, NY
Dallas, TX
Minneapolis, MI
Rochester, NY
Sarasota, FL
Syracuse, NY
Tri-county Michigan
Think you might have celiac? [pdf]
Hint: Keep eating a regular diet, but talk to your GI about getting tested ASAP.